Derya Erbay, Regulation & Compliance Manager of EXIST elected as member of the Management Board of APEx (Association of Power Exchanges).
At the APEx General Assembly meeting held following the APEx 2023 Conference in Istanbul on 20-22 September 2023 hosted by EXIST, the current Chairman and Board of Directors of APEx re-appointed and New Zealand System Operator Transpower General Manager John Clarke and EXIST Regulation & Compliance Manager Derya Erbay elected as the new board members.
Derya Erbay previously served as the Head of Environmental Markets Group of Europex (Association of European Energy Exchanges) for the 2018-2020 mandate.
APEx was established to support the common business interests of parties engaged in the electricity and gas transmission and trading industry, headquartered in the United States, and to ensure the development and sharing of ideas and practices regarding the operation of global energy markets. APEx, together with EXIST, has 46 members from different countries of the world.