EXIST operates, under market operating license, organised wholesale electricity markets including Day-ahead Market, Intraday Market and Power Futures Market, as well as Natural Gas Futures Market, Spot Natural Gas Market, and Organised YEK-G Market.
EXIST provides settlement and billing services for all the markets it operates. In addition, EXIST offers settlement activities regarding the Balancing Power Market (BPM) and Ancillary Services Market operated by the Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAŞ), provides imbalance settlement activities in Natural Gas Market, the operation of the Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism (RERSM), and carries out eligible consumer transactions.
By virtue of Paragraph Five, Article 11 of Electricity Market Law No. 6446, EXIST “shall operate under a market operating license the organised wholesale electricity markets except for the markets operated by Borsa Istanbul (BIST) Joint Stock Company and Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAŞ) under this Law, as well as financial settlement transactions and other necessary financial transactions for the organised wholesale electricity markets operated by TEIAŞ under a market operating license.” In addition, Paragraph Eight of same article provides that any other energy market operations and emission trading not included in the scope of EXIST’s market operating license shall be decided on by Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) based on the opinion of the Ministry and Capital Markets Board.
EXIST was established as an public-private sector affiliate with a view to create a reliable, efficient and transparent energy market that has the capacity to compete with energy exchanges of developed countries, and provide service at international standards.
Turkish Electricity Transmission Company holds 30% of shares as Group A Shareholder, Borsa Istanbul (BIST) holds 30% as Group B Shareholder and 0,83% as Group C Shareholder, and 94 private sector participants hold 39,17% as Group C Shareholders.
Most significantly, EXIST distinguish itself from other markets operations in that it is one of the rare market operators that develops and uses its own software. Considering operation of organised energy markets across the world, many market operators only operates organised markets while EXIST offers a wide range of services including eligible costumer transactions, Balancing Power Market Settlement, operation of Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism (RERSM), Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (YEK-G) Certification and Market operation.
EPİAŞ is the brand name used by Enerji Piyasaları İşletme A.Ş. in Türkiye while EXIST (Energy Exchange Istanbul) is the brand name it uses internationally.
EXIST’s income is determined by Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) according to the applicable legislation (Communiqué on Market Operating Fee).
According to third paragraph of Article 7 of EXIST’s Articles of Association, except for Borsa Istanbul and Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation, those are eligible to be shareholders include only, in electricity market, the legal entities that hold a supply license or a production license provided that the production facility under such license has been put into operation, and in natural gas market, the legal entities that hold a wholesale, import, export license or the legal entities that deal in retail sale thereof.
According to the results of 2001 satisfaction survey carried out by CATI (Computer-assisted Telephone Interviewing) with the participants of electricity and natural gas markets across Türkiye, containing questions relating to products, services and reputation; and given the complete satisfaction scale, the satisfaction level of participants has been 85,1 out of one hundred.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System
ISO 27001 Information Security Management System
Financial statements of EXIST are annually audited by an independent auditor. Independent auditor’s opinion is included in EXIST’s activity report.
All software used by EXIST for all the markets it operates have been developed by local means and according to international standards. Domestic software has eliminated the foreign dependency relating to improvements and debugging.
Market participants that have obtained a license from Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) can trade at relevant markets provided that they signed a participation agreement for the relevant market.
All relevant prices for all markets are established by running certain algorithms and procedures in accordance with the market operating rules as established by Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and based on buying and selling bids placed by market participants at relevant market platforms. You can find detailed information on relevant pages of our website concerning markets and in training videos available on our YouTube channel.
Market prices established at EXIST are called daily reference price (DRP). Details on how and in what way the DRP is calculated are provided under the applicable legislation (Organised Wholesale Natural Gas Market Regulation, Market Operating Rules and Procedures and Transmission System Operation Arrangements). In short, it is calculated daily with the matching of the market participants registered with the market and the transmission company according to continuous trading method. Currently, the DRP has not direct relationship with the Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAŞ) tariffs announced monthly.
EXIST has been providing energy-market related trainings since 2016, and such trainings have been offered free-of-charge on online platforms since 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. Footages of previous trainings and training animations can be found at the YouTube channel of EXIST.
Users are provided free access to EXIST’s Transparency Platform, access to unlimited historical data, along with free web services. You can review the data on the platform, download such data in Excel format, and access through web service as detailed below.
Link for the Web Service IP Registration procedure is as follows:
Web Service IP Registration Procedure
Web Service technical documentation link is as follows:
Web Service Technical Documentation
Transparency Platform provides necessary data for the transparent, reliable, fair and predictable operation of energy markets; 6282-4 decision of the Energy Market Regulatory Board dated 13/05/2016; It is obliged to publish the “Procedures and Principles for Ensuring Transparency in Organized Wholesale Electricity Markets”. This decision, which forms the basis of the transparency platform and includes the data set to be published on the Transparency Platform, entered into force by published in the Official Gazette dated 28 May 2016 and numbered 29725, and was lastly updated with the Board Decision no. 10711 dated 06.01.2022.
Published data is requested by EXIST from the institutions on the basis of the legislation stated above. The relevant data owner organizations are obliged to share the data from the approved by the Board Decision "Data List to be Published on the Transparency Platform", on a timely manner in the specified format and with correct content on the Transparency Platform.
EXIST obtains the data published in accordance with the Board Decision from the relevant institutions, organizations, companies and publishes it on the transparency platform together with the markets that it operates.
EXIST is not responsible for the accuracy of the data obtained from data sharing institutions and companies, pursuant to the Board Decision.
EXIST creates a data service environment that enables data access from the relevant data owner institutions and companies and makes available to the energy market participants through the Transparency Platform.
Based on the EMRA Board Decision dated 06.01.2022 and numbered 10711, the link for the list of data sets to be published on the Transparency Platform is given below.
Transparency Platform Data Sets
The institutions and companies responsible for data transfer to the Transparency Platform are listed below:- BOTAŞ – Petroleum Pipeline Corporation
- DSI – General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works
- EIGM – General Directorate of Energy Affairs
- EPİAŞ – Energy Markets Operator Company
- EÜAŞ – Turkish Electricity Production Company
- TEİAŞ – Turkey Electricity Transmission Corporation
- Distribution Companies
- Generation Licensee Market Participants
To ensure data security, different layers of security policies and solutions are required to be implemented. In this scope, EXIST has determined its policies and established its solutions. Policies and processes have been duly established and maintained in every area of security including physical security, network security, security incident management, data classification and prevention of data leaks, application/software security, compliance with international security standards. These processes also employ technological solutions as necessary. To this end, the market software used by our market participants are subject to relevant security tests during the security software development process, and security measures such as two-factor authentication, password policies, etc. have been taken against any security breaches which our market participants may encounter.
The Market Surveillance Directorate, which was established under the roof of EXIST, has been carrying out its activities independent of EXIST and market participants and according to confidentiality principles, in line with EXIST’s duty to ensure creation of prices according to demand and supply without discrimination between equal parties, and in accordance with other national and international market surveillance rules and practices.
Market Surveillance’s email address is available at following link: (
YEK-G Certificate is an electronic certificate which evidences that a certain amount or rate of the electric power supplied to the consumer is produced from renewable energy resources, and each of which corresponds to an electricity production of 1 MWh.
A non-eligible consumers can get a YEK-G Certificate together with the energy s/he consumes. To do this, the non-eligible consumer can file an application with the supplier company which provide service in his/her region and from which s/he procures electricity under an agreement.
Eligible consumers or consumers who do not exercise their eligible consumer rights can, in return for their consumptions, demand their YEK-G certificates from the company from which they procure energy or another supplier company as they deemed fit. End consumers classified in such groups can, independent of the supplier from which they procure electricity, get their YEK-G Certificates from a different supplier, thus evidencing that their consumption feature renewable energy. For more detailed information, you can visit the following address:
All end consumers can contribute to a carbon-free and sustainable future, and play a role in the prevention of climate change. Institutionalised companies can guarantee and secure use of renewable energy by their consumers and/or customers on the basis of their ecological approaches and sustainability reports. Companies listed on the website of RE100-CDP-GRI, an international reporting organisation, can further contribute to their prestige.
According to the ISO 14064 standard and Greenhouse Gas Protocol as put into force under Kyoto Protocol, secondary footprints can also be used for the measurement of carbon footprint. In calculating the carbon footprint, YEK-G certificate can be used to evidence that the energy used under Scope 2 is from renewable energy resources.
Our market participants and other stakeholders can communicate their all requests and complaints to us through the EXIST Helpdesk (EHD) application. Requests are assigned to relevant staff depending on the subject and sub-subject categories, and the requester is informed about conclusion of the relevant request.