Frequently Asked Questions
1.Who can participate to YEK-G System and Organized YEK-G Market?
Those who have signed the YEK-G system participation agreement and completed the registration procedures specified in article 9 of the regulation;
– Generation license holder legal entities,
– Generation license holder legal entities can participate.
2.Is there a YEK-G and Organized YEK-G market participation fee? When and how is the participation fee collected from the participants?
An annual participation fee will be charged for participation in YEK-G and Organized YEK-G markets. YEK-G System and Organized Reserves-G Market Operational Procedures and Principles as stated in subparagraph (b) of the third paragraph of Article 41, The annual participation fee shall be included as the annual participation fee item in the first invoice following the completion of the registration process and in the invoice to be issued following the finalized settlement notification of January for each year. Annual participation fee shall not be refunded if the market participant exits the system within the same year.
No fee will be charged for transactions such as issue, cancellation, bilateral agreements, power plant registration, participation in the Organized YEK-G Market. In addition to the annual participation fee, only the market operation fee arising from the matches in the organized YEK-G market will be collected from the participants. For the year 2021, no annual participation fee will be charged for participation in the YEK-G System.
3.What is the difference of YEK-G system from other systems?
The production data regarding the YEK-G certificates to be created in the YEK-G system are obtained from the monthly reconciled meters of the relevant renewable generation facilities. In this context, it will be one of the most important features of this system with the data accuracy in 1 YEK-G Certificate issued for every 1 MWh of electricity generated. A unique code will be assigned to each 1 MWh YEK-G Certificate to be produced over the system by using blockchain technology. Thanks to this code, electricity and therefore the production of the YEK-G certificate can be easily tracked up to its consumption.
With the YEK-G system and the functioning of the Organized YEK-G market based on regulation, a fair and reliable market environment will be created for participants. In addition, market data that will be created within the scope of YEK-G market will be made available to participants in the EXIST Transparency Platform.
4.Is there a mechanism to prevent producers from obtaining certificates from another certificate system? (Double Counting)
In the event that a participant is actively registered in the YEK-G system, based on the Participation Agreement signed on the basis of the generation facility during the registration phase of the YEK-G system, it will not be able to use other certificate programs that aim to provide information about the quality of energy.
In the YEK-G regulation and the YEK-G System and Organized YEK-G Market Operational Procedures and Principles, a commitment is taken to ensure that they are not registered with other certification systems that aim to provide information about the quality of energy, apart from the YEK-G system related to the generation plant. In this context, it is not possible to register to the system other than the YEK-G system in the same calendar year. Other information and documents can be requested, if necessary. There is no deadline for Registration application for each year. It is not possible to issue the documentable production amount used in other systems other than the YEK-G system and for which certificates have been issued, again in the YEK-G system. The undertakings requested on the basis of each power plant during the registration phase of the YEK-G system include that the participant is not registered in other certification systems that aim to provide information on the quality of energy.
In the event that a generation facility is detected to be registered in other certification systems within the same calendar year, the status of the relevant organization is taken passice. The generation facility, whose participation status is taken passive during the year, cannot participate in the YEK-G system again for the same calendar year.
5.How can End Consumers obtain the YEK-G certificate?
Non Eligible Consumers will be able to obtain the YEK-G Certificate together with the energy they consumed by applying to the assigned regional supplier Companies that provide electricity through contracts in their regions. These consumers will be able to obtain YEK-G certificates with the supplied energy.
The assigned regional supplier companies will be able to cancel YEK-G certificates to their bills on a monthly basis to end consumer who participate voluntarily. The assigned regional supplier companies will be obliged to disclose that all of the electrical energy they supply to consumers is generated from renewable energy sources by placing a special mark on the bills of consumers.
Consumers who are eligible consumers or who do not use their right to be eligible consumer will be able to request their YEK-G Certificates from the company from which they supply electricity or from another supply company of their choice for their consumption. End consumers in these groups will be able to obtain their YEK-G Certificates from a different supplier regardless of the supplier from which they supply electricity, and prove that they meet their consumption from renewable energy.
6.What is the validity period of the issued YEK-G certificates?
The validity term of YEK-G certificates to be issued shall be 12 months from the end date of the generation period. The validity period of the YEK-G certificates to be issued is 12 months from the end date of the generation period. If the relevant YEK-G certificates are not cancelled to an end consumer within 12 months, they are withdrawn by the system. YEK-G documents cannot be used again if they are cancelled, withdrawn or expired.