Processes Within the Scope of the Futures Electricity Market

The margin calculation at the end of the session is carried out after 17:00 every business day. A margin call is made by the central settlement agency for the calculated TVEPT. The TVEPT amount calculated at the end of the previous business day’s session is checked every business day at 12:00. Market participants submit their letters of collateral to the Market Operator until 11:30 for the collateral checks to be made at 12:00 every business day, and the other collaterals other than the collateral letters to the central settlement institution until 12:00. The Market Operator will notify the central settlement institution on the basis of market participant until 11:50, the latest, on the amount of the letter of guarantee presented to him every working day, until 11:30. Except for the default check at 12:00, participants can add to their collateral during the day. Collateral withdrawals are made between 09:30 and 11:30 on business days.

The default guarantee account is calculated each month at the end of the session on the day the next month’s contract is closed. This calculated amount is expected to be completed by the market participants within the following 3 working days. The default guarantee account is checked at 12:00 every business day. At least 50% of the calculated default guarantee account amount must be cash in TL. Fixed contribution amounts required to be deposited by market participants are 300.000,00 TL. Default guarantee account withdrawals are made between 09:30 and 11:30 on business days.



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