Intraday Market will be reduced to 60 minutes on October 1
As it was known, participants have been able to trade on Intraday Market contracts prior to two hours of physical delivery in accordance with Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulation. However, as of August 16, 2016, participants were able to trade on Intraday Market contract prior to 1.5 hours of physical delivery in accordance with the joint decision of Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and System Operator (TEİAŞ)
With the enactment of the regulation regarding daily production nominations, it has became important in line with the final daily production program values.
Especially, the production estimation of the renawable power plants will be closer to the delivery time final daily production program can be realized more accurately by presenting the possibility of making shorten of the transactions in the intraday market.
By taking into account of the Intraday Market procceses which are operated in European markets, demands made by our market participants and the significant support of TSO transactions for each contract can be proceeded before 60 minutes of physical delivery as of October 1, 2018 at 15:00 p.m.
Best regards
Note: “Intraday Market- Final Daily Production Program” balancing procedures will start 60 minutes before physical delivery and last for 30 minutes.