Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST) or Enerji Piyasaları İşletme A.Ş. (EPİAŞ) by its Turkish name is an energy exchange company was established on March 18, 2015. EXIST, legally incorporated under the Turkish Electricity Market Law and enforced by the Energy Markets Operation License granted by the Energy Markets Regulatory Authority (EMRA) of Turkey. EXIST is responsible for managing and operating energy markets, including power, gas and environmental commodities. EXIST ensures transparent, reliable and trustworthy market conditions as well as equal access for all market participants by providing a counterparty guarantee of the transactions. As an energy exchange EXIST, provides market environments where Exchange members send their orders to buy or sell energy in determined delivery platforms. Its task is to carry out matching all buy or sell orders in transparent manner, according to the regulatory manner and to establish a reference price.
EXIST operates Day-Ahead and Intraday Spot Power Market, Spot Natural Gas Market, Power Futures Market, Natural Gas Futures Market and Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin System & Organized YEK-G Market. EXIST also performs financial transactions such as settlement, collateral and invoicing in these markets, settlement activities regarding the Balancing Power Market (BPM) and Ancillary Services Market, imbalance settlement activities in natural gas market, the operation of the Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism and carries out eligible costumer transactions. Besides all these EXIST develops all of the markets and services software in-house.
With the awareness that transparency has an important place for a reliable and sustainable market, EXIST, offering the Transparency Platform to the use of its market participants and the public in 2016, continuously increases the quality and quantity of the data published on this platform.
The activities of the Innovation Center, which supports the development of innovative ideas in the energy sector and enables the joint development of new technological solutions, and market trainings that contribute to the increase in the quality of the sector’s human resources are carried on without interruption.
EXIST became the first company in the Fortune 500 Türkiye 2020 research, in which Türkiye’s largest 500 companies are listed according to their annual turnover. With the “carbon neutral company” certificate it has zeroed carbon emissions arising from its direct and indirect effects for a sustainable environment in order to contribute to the world and the future.
EXIST, a member of the Association of Power Exchanges (APEX) and the Association of European Energy Exchanges (EUROPEX), formed by the world’s leading energy markets and regulatory authorities; The energy markets it operates are on the way to become an energy exchange that is envied on a global scale and taken as a reference with its new products and services developed entirely by its own means in line with the needs of the sector.