EPİAŞ API Portal Announcement
In order to ensure faster and easier integration to EPİAŞ’s application APIs, “EPİAŞ Developer Portal” has become available for the use of all developers in October, 2017.
In addition to the API and technical documents of EPİAŞ Transparency Platform, APIs of other services are projected to be added to the EPİAŞ Developer Platform in the near future.
Institutions and developers that deliver integration solutions to EPİAŞ APIs, are able to integrate easier and faster to APIs by using this platform. The platform makes it possible to test the APIs before development, download the sample codes of the supported programming languages before development, and collect insights regarding the changes by testing different versions of APIs. By using the graphic screens provided by the platform, the users of the platform benefit from the ease of gathering information about the usage of respective APIs and have the opportunity of experiencing a development process with less problems.
By making it available for the use of API Developers, EPİAŞ aims to enable faster integration developments by presenting more detailed data of EPİAŞ APIs to API developers, inform all developers about the changes at the integration points and start the change at all the integrated developer institutions. Integration process is aimed to be open and smooth by submitting the interaction between these institutions and EPİAŞ to the stakeholders.
March 20, 2018, Transparency Platform Web Service will be started to be provided through EPİAŞ Developer Portal.
The information required to use EPİAŞ Developer Portal is given below.
In the current process, requests for access to EPİAS Transparency API are made by filling in the “EPİAŞ TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM WEB SERVICES TERMS & CONDITIONS”. Users who have access to the Portal will be able to use the tools and guides available on the Portal after they have made the “Create Account” button. Access to the EPİAŞ Developer Portal will be provided with the IP information included in the Terms & Conditions Document that have been submitted to EPİA until today; these specifications do not have to be sent back to EPIAŞ.
You can use this link to reach “EPİAS API PORTAL USER MANUAL”. https://www.epias.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/EN_API_PORTAL_USER_MANUAL.pdf
You can use the following link to access the EPİAŞ Developer Portal.
You can use e-mail address gorusleriniz.seffaflik@epias.com.tr for communication.