Requests of Non-Registered or Outdated Metering Points for October 2022 Period
In case of metering points cannot requested by suppliers due to non-registered metering points or invalid metering point type, the list of related metering points should be submitted by supplier to through KMO Request Form via corporate adress until 05.09.2022 at 23.59. Providing that registration or revision of metering points are being carried out by meter reading body until 12.09.2022 at 23.59, the request procedures will be completed by EPİAS.
Moreover, following situations should be considered;
- The list should be in line with given format, existance of bilateral agreement should be stated on the related part of excel table and manuel inputs should not exist other than distribution companies (organized industriel zones should be added manually).
- Applications for metering points that are requestable before this announcement and applications made by using an excel format other than the enclosed format and applications missing mandatory fields will not be evaluated.
For your kind attention.