
April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day Collateral Calculation

The “k” value is used in the Day Ahead – Intraday Market collateral (DAM-IM) calculations and it represents the last “k” days in which the commercial transactions in these two markets are different than zero in last 30 days. Within the scope of Collateral Calculation Procedure, for public holidays longer than two days, the “k” number is 1 (one) more than the number of days on the holiday. Otherwise, the number of “k” days in the risk period is three. If there is only one workday between two holidays, the number of “k” days is two more than the sum of the two holiday days.

In cases where the “k” value is greater than three, for the total collateral calculation the following rules are applied:

75% of the amount calculated over the “k” number is used on workdays before the holiday

100% of the amount calculated over the “k” number is used on workdays following the holiday

Due to National Sovereignty and Children’s Day Holiday, for the DAM-IM collateral calculation to be made on 18 April, 19 April, 22 April and 24 of April, the number of “k” days is 5 (five).



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